Outsourcing of security services
GC "Center for Commercial Security" offers services to protect and ensure integrated security of your enterprise, as well as its individual elements, if necessary.
Integrated enterprise security includes:
- Economic security
- Information Security
- Corporate Security
- HR security
- Organization of the protection of property and inventory items
In the course of ensuring integrated enterprise security, the following tasks will be performed:
- Analysis of the current situation of the enterprise, identification of the weakest spots in the integrated security system
- Prevention of risks and threats arising in the process of economic, financial and economic activities of the enterprise
During the implementation of the main tasks, the following methodology is used:
- Comprehensive or selective verification of counterparties (analysis of their reliability, analysis of financial documentation, analysis of credit history, reviews, identification of founders, beneficiaries, affiliates, verification of experience in similar work, availability of technical capabilities and qualified personnel)
- Preparation of information and analytical materials at the request of the client
- Interaction with law enforcement and government agencies on issues of protecting the interests of the enterprise
- Analysis and resolution of issues related to enterprise security
- Formation of a system for the timely receipt of information on signs of external threats to the economic interests of the enterprise
- Monitoring the safety of information classified as trade secrets
- Development and implementation of anti-corruption policy of the enterprise, identification of internal corporate abuse
- Analysis and verification of the purity of relations with the staff of the enterprise (hidden commercial motivation, industrial espionage)
- Conducting official checks on the facts of revealed violations and abuses
- Implementation of joint control with the heads of other departments of the enterprise over the fulfillment by contractors of their obligations
- Audits for the identification and prevention of theft, unreasonable overstatement of the value of inventory, work and services
- Verification of candidates for employment;
- Development and organization of measures for the protection of facilities
- Prevention of theft and other criminal attacks
Advantages of cooperation with the Center for Commercial Security Group of Companies:
- Our experts have extensive experience in government and law enforcement agencies, which are constantly used in the process of their activities
- Availability of our own methodology for ensuring enterprise security, created taking into account the vast experience in implementing projects for various clients
- Based on this methodology, taking into account your needs, we develop a strategy for ensuring integrated enterprise security
- Availability of information resources and technical means
Entrusting your safety to the Group of Companies & opportunities will develop and increase the efficiency of your business!