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Shopping and entertainment facilities

Among the services offered by the Center for Commercial Security Group of Companies is the protection of retail and entertainment facilities.

Today, these places are the points of attraction for a huge number of people. On weekends and weekdays, the flow of people does not stop here - after all, each of us in our free time visits restaurants, cinemas and theaters, various entertainment venues. And while on vacation, people should feel safe.

We propose to build the protection of shopping and entertainment facilities in the complex. A thorough analysis of all premises, sites and places, requiring special attention, is required. Often such facilities need to be equipped with additional equipment, because they belong to the category of facilities where anti-terrorism protection is needed.

This will help the integrated system that our group of companies offers. The combination of video surveillance services, dispatchers and security guards will allow you to organize security at the highest level.

At the same time, we also recommend, based on the specifics of the post, to assign different functions to security officers and provide them with different technical equipment. After all, there is a difference between the entrance group, where people do not stop passing, and the interior, where the situation is more calm.

At small facilities, we offer another solution - to combine the reception, information desk and security service. This allows you to solve several key tasks at once, as well as significantly save the client’s finances.

So, specially trained people can not only protect the facility, but also, for example, tell visitors some background information. They are neatly dressed, have a good physical shape and are ready for any emergency situation.

The staff of the Center for Commercial Security Center Group of Companies also has English-speaking employees who can freely communicate with foreign guests and visitors to your property.